Money Management, Made Easy

Bring all of your accounts, from savings and checking, to loans, mortgages, 401Ks, and more, together for the first time. See a 360 view of your finances so you can set goals, manage budgets, categorize your spending, view net worth and monitor your cash flow from month to month.

Your Finances, In One Place 

  • Add accounts from other financial institutions to view all your finances in one convenient place
  • Sync all your credit cards, loans, retirement accounts, and more
  • Automatically categorize your transactions to track your spending habits
  • Create and monitor a personal budget
  • Set up text and email notifications for additional security and peace of mind

Money Management is a simple, secure, and free way to manage your money. Use this convenient service to start planning for your future!


Get Started



Accounts Tab - Money Management


Under All Accounts, under the Accounts tab, you’ll see different account types, like checking, savings, and credit cards. This shows the total balance of all accounts of that type, with red representing debt. On the right is a list of every account you’ve added, grouped by type.


Click on a specific account type to see only the accounts in that type. Click on a specific account to see recent activity, history, and details.


On this tab, you can always click the "+ Add Accounts" button to add new accounts outside BHFCU. If you can log in to your financial account online, you can likely add it to Money Management.




When you first use the Budgets option, you can “Auto-Generate Budget” or start from scratch. The auto-generate feature creates a starting budget based on your average spending in each category for the previous 90 days.


The bubble colors indicate whether you are on track (green), nearing your budget limit (yellow), or over budget in that category (red).
Pro tip: The lines at the bottom left show your spending verses your income. When you set your budget, be sure the total you plan to spend isn’t more than your income.

Transactions - Money Management


Spending Tab - Money Management


The Spending tab breaks down your spending by category, so you can better understand your spending habits and track where your money goes.


Click on a section of the wheel to see what you spend in each category. If a category shows below 3% of your spending, it is grouped with “Other” low-spending categories.


Click on the dollar figure in the middle and view recent transactions or transactions in that specific category.
Change the date range at the top to see how your spending compares to the past.



The Transactions tab shows a list of recent transaction from all your accounts. If you have credit cards from multiple financials, you can now see all of your spending in one spot.


Your purchases are also categorized (gas, groceries, fast food, etc.) to make them easier for you to review.


New transactions are marked with a blue dot. Credits appear in green.


Click on a transaction to see more details or to edit the category.

Budget Bubble




The Debts tab is a powerful tool that allows you to see all of your debts in one place. You can see how long it will take to get out of debt by making the minimum payment, and use the tools to determine how much faster you can get out of debt if you pay more than the minimum.


Be sure to check the tutorials to learn more about the features!



Let the Goals tab help you visualize and plan your long-term financial goals, such as saving for a home or vacation. This tool provides a timeline for goals based on your savings plan.


You can create three types of goals: savings, debt payoff, and retirement.


If you haven’t already, start by setting up a savings account for an emergency-only fund by visiting your favorite BHFCU location or by calling  605-718-1818.




Notifications can help you keep track of important financial information, like when a payment is due, when your account balance is low, and much more. Verify your email address and/or mobile phone number in order to receive alerts.

Click the settings gear (top right), then click “Notifications” to change the notification settings. Click “Edit” to choose how to receive alerts, which accounts to track, etc.

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