BHFCU Gives Back - November 2024
At BHFCU, our commitment to improving lives in the communities we serve is as strong as ever. Learn more about the positive things our team accomplished in November.
Supporting Those Who Serve
Our staff-led charitable giving program, the Community Action Team (CAT), focuses on supporting organizations that share common goals each month. In October, we centered our efforts on fundraising for organizations supporting those who serve. Check out what we accomplished!
Who We Supported
This month, we supported several veterans’ resources, including Operation Black Hills Cabin, deployed Sioux Falls Air National Guard troops, and the Fort Meade, Sioux Falls, and Hot Springs VAs. BHFCU staff raised $3,400 for the organizations!
Community Raffle Raises Cash
Our Custer location led the charge, assembling six themed raffle baskets filled to the brim with items for dog, tea, and Christmas lovers alike to raise money for vets. Dozens of community and staff members purchased tickets to throw their names in the hat for a chance to win.
Treating Deployed Troops
With dozens of Sioux Falls Air National Guard troops deployed, we wanted to give them a little taste of home. We used some of the funds raised to fill care packages with nearly 1,000 items, from snacks to essentials. A big thank you for your service from us at BHFCU!
Helping Fulfill Veterans’ Needs
When asking Veterans Homes across the state what they need, we heard cold weather gear! That’s why our Veterans Supply Drive collected socks, gloves, and hats to be distributed to those who need it.
Check back in January to see what our crew accomplished in December!